Monday, July 22, 2013

1 Day to Go "Best Song Ever" Music Video Trailer

Howdy ya'll! The boys performed in Houston, Texas yesterday and I hope all you Texan directioners had a chance to see them live! Any-who, my laptop crashed yesterday so I wasn't able to post the last of the "Best Song Ever" trailers. So here it is!

(Marcel voice): "Cute as a button, every single one of you!"
Don't forget to download the single! And in just a few hours I'll be posting the full music video! Directioners are planning to beat the Vevo record for most views in 24 hours, so make a cup of tea, get yourselves comfy, and keep replaying the video! Rumor has it, the video's eight. minutes. long. (worth it though!)
Ta, ta for now!


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